My Journey

Countdown to Cancun

I am headed to the Moon Palace Resort in Cancun for an all inclusive vacation from Team Beachbody that I earned through my work last year helping others get fit.  I am over the top excited but just last week it really sunk in. HOLY CRAP!!  You will have to wear a swimsuit, A LOT!!  With just 28 days to touchdown in Cancun I embarked on the Countdown to Competition plan from 21 Day Fix Extreme.


I was honestly hoping to shed some bloat and trim up a little to squeeze into a one piece.  But after just 7 days, no kidding 7 days!!!  I am thinking a bikini just might be in the cards for me.

The plan isn’t easy, it requires some major discipline and planning.  But if there is anything that I excel at it is planning and execution, especially when it comes to food.  I am a foodie at heart and I love being creative and planning out my meals. So this fit perfectly with my lifestyle, plus the hubby is currently deployed so I wouldn’t be needing to prepare a separate meal to support his 6’4″ body as well.

So what am I eating?  Here is a quick rundown of my day….yes I am eating every 2hrs (I have to set a timer on my phone to remind me to eat)

Breakfast:  8 egg whites with Pepper, onions, and mushrooms & salt free seasoning

Snack: Isopure Protein

Lunch: Spinach salad with assorted veggies and grilled chicken topped with vinegar and coconut oil, Baked Sweet potato

Snack: Shakeology with Almond Butter blended with ice and water

Dinner:  Baked Fish (Cod, Salmon, or Tilapia) and steamed veggies & salt free seasoning

Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs

At least 1 gallon of water throughout the day

Not glamorous or fancy but it is really doing the job. I am alternating my days with two basic meal structures so I don’t get too bored with my food.  But what is great is I have prepared all my food for the week on Sunday and have it ready to go so I don’t have any excuses to reach for something not on the plan.  I have all my veggies, and protein portioned out into little baggies so I can just grab and go.

Why am I not talking about my crazy intense workouts or how many calories I am burning?  Now you may have heard that abs are made in the kitchen and this is so true!!  You cannot neglect your attention to your nutrition and expect results.  Nutrition accounts for 80% of your transformation and your fitness or workouts are only 20%   But if you are wondering I am doing 30 minute workouts from 21 Day Fix Extreme and walking in the afternoons with my daughters.  The latter is really more of a relaxation for me, I get to listen to my audio books and just push a stroller.

So check out my first 7 day results!


I am over the top excited to see what I can accomplish in the next couple weeks as we prep for our vacation to Cancun!!  I may just be able to rock a bikini without feeling bloated and too Fat Girl but more Fit Momma!

Want more info on 21 Day Fix Extreme? Check out this quick video