My Journey


Why the heck do I drink Shakeology every day?!?


I started drinking Shakeology when I was desperate to drop weight and get healthy after my second pregnancy. I knew I had to do something different, I had to take the healthy path, not the easy crash diet path. I had to change my approach, it was no longer just about me, I had two daughters I needed to care for.



After an entire adulthood being overweight I had to change my mindset and focus on my healthy not just the number on the scale. I started drinking shakeolology and after the first week I was hooked. It helped me kick my wicked carb cravings and gave me amazing energy that I never knew you could get from healthy foods.2013-09-21 07.54.50.jpg


But the biggest change was what it did on the inside. I battled tummy issues for more than 20 years. Constant bloating, upset stomach, acid reflux, constipation…seriously I sounded like a side effects at the end of a pharmaceutical commercial. Within the the first month of drinking it I was no longer chasing every meal with tums or mylanta. This was AMAZING!!!! I was suddenly free from fear of eating the wrong thing! I didn’t have to fear every that every meal out at a restaurant would have me running to the bathroom! It helped me repair my gut and helped me start to reverse years of bad eating. I no longer had to guess if something was healthy for me, I knew that this was the healthiest meal I could get each day.

Are you curious what it could do for you?  Join my next informational 7 day sneak peak into what it can do for you!!!


If you’ve ever wanted to know the answers to the below questions, we’ll have the answers for you!

-What is Shakeology?
-What can it do for You?
-Why do I choose it over ‘other’ shakes out there?
-What are the ingredients?
-How much does it cost?




No Gym, No Time? NO EXCUSES

I recently relocated back to the Puget Sound area to be near family while my hubby is deployed for a year.  Part of our departure meant that we had to leave the comforts and amenities we had while living on our prior military base, including free access to a gym.  Yes I am a Team Beachbody coach that went to the gym!   I only used the gym 1 or 2 days a week to do lifting during workouts that required more weights than I had at home and it was honestly nice to let the girls play with other kids while I worked out.

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Now that I have relocated to the Puget Sound area I no longer have access to the gym, nor did I have the space to pack all my weights and weight bench with me while staying with family.  Would this be a valid excuse to lower my focus on my goal of competing in a bikini competition, and maybe put it off a year?  Sure.  Am I going to do that?  HECK NO!!!  I am just going to have to get more creative with my workouts and super attentive to my nutrition.  No more….”I am bulking…sure I can have spaghetti”.  The carbs I will be getting will be laser focused to the proper time of day and to correspond to my workouts.  Plus I will be upping my intake of protein to focus on muscle maintenance while trying prevent any catabolism.

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I am also going to be doing all my workouts from home using my 5, 10, and 15lb dumbbells and my resistance bands, gravity and my body for resistance.

Here is the plan:

Strength Training using P90X3, Body Beast, 21 Day Fix Extreme and PiYo


21-Day-Fix-Extremetrain like a beast

Cardio Conditioning using Insanity Max :30, Turbo Fire, 21 Day Fix Extreme and Les Mills Combat.

I will be doing 6 days a week Strength, plus 4 days Cardio for the first 9 months.  Then I will switch to 5 days strength and 5 days Cardio for the remainder of the time leading up to the competition.

It is going to be a challenge but I am up for it. Plus once I establish a goal I don’t back down! So I will not let not having time, space, a gym membership or the ideal living condition stop me or slow me down.  You simply have to be bigger than your excuses.


If you would like to join me during my next 21 Day Fitness Challenge please fill out a quick survey HERE to help me understand your needs.  I will be in touch in 24-48 hrs to do your free fitness and nutrition consultation.


Stop Eating Less and Drop Fat!

Drop Fat and Inches by Eating More!

Does your head spin when you try to figure out what to eat and how much?  Have you ever gone a little insane counting calories and grams of fat and carbs and weighing out every morsel of food that passed your lips?  Chances are that if you are struggling with weight loss like I did for nearly my entire adult life you really need to simplify your approach and just focus on the quality of your foods.  The best foods in combination with the best portions will help you get results you have been chasing with super low calorie diets that haven’t worked.  Depriving ourselves is not sustainable and it isn’t healthy. 

You can’t lose weight without watching portion size and removing the junk from your food. The surprising thing about this though is that you may need to eat more throughout the day, but of the right foods. Rather than skipping meals and then binging at the next meal, it’s really a matter of spacing out your eating to keep your body and metabolism fueled all day long. So while it’s true that there can be too much of a good thing, it’s all about refocusing on eating more of the right foods but ensuring proper amounts all day long.

Here’s how to eat more of the right foods and how to balance out your portions. These are tips that I use to help others gain control of their health and live happier healthier lives.  It isn’t some magic pill but simple principles and focusing on quality.

  1. Replace Your Bad Habits: Have you ever heard it takes 21 days to learn a new habit.  This is very true.  Don’t expect to suddenly wake up tomorrow and know exactly what to eat, when to eat, and how much if today you are used to meals from a box or the freezer. Know that you will not make healthy changes overnight, so do not beat yourself up if it takes you some time.  But that being said, you also cannot get lazy about it.  You must actively participate in the process of learning healthy habits for them to become second nature.  The average time to create a good habit is about 3 weeks or 21 days. So give yourself this time, allow yourself to transition and embrace the change, and commit to it as your body gets used to powerful and nutritious foods.images
  2. Learn portions: Yes portion and quantity does matter and so you need to learn what a serving of chicken or whole wheat bread.  This is not something to leave to your “eyeball estimation” when you are new to portion control.  Find a system and learn the system.  Then once you know it go back every once in a while and check your portions. IMG_7642-e1412249212215  
  3. Quality is Queen: If it is labelled “Low Fat” “Diet” “Snack Pack” “Natural” or “Low Calorie” it likely means devoid of nutritional value.   Processed foods, fast foods, fried foods, and even “diet foods” will only harm your body not help it. Artificial preservatives, flavors, colors, added sugars and chemicals found if processed foods only slow your body down.  They are not proper fuel and your body many times doesn’t know what to do with it and it is stored in fat cells.  YUCK!  When you focus on whole foods that come from the ground (veggies, fruits, nuts, grains) or eat something that grows in the ground (grass fed patured meats and fish) your body will respond amazingly!  You are now giving it the fuel it knows how to manage and it will boost your metabolism.  Once you get rid of the wrong foods and really welcome in the right ones, you can enjoy healthy eating in a whole new exciting way.2014-07-22 17.14.03-2
  4. Mini-Size my meals: By tossing out the window 3 meals a day and fueling your body with 5-6 mini meals you will keep your metabolism buzzing right along all day.  If you aim for 3 hour in between eating your body will turn into a calorie busting machine.  You will have more energy, you close will start to fit differently and you have more clarity of mind.  The first thing that is impacted by blood sugar drop is our thought process.  I don’t know about you but I like to think clearly all day long, not just 3 times a day.  
  5. Hydration is Happiness:  I remember learning that the human body is made up of 75% water in 3rd grade.  I remember thinking WOW!  How am I not slushing around non stop, but that is how my brain worked as a kid.  So if we are three quarters water it is very important that we are replenishing our system throughout the day for proper function.  The best rule of thumb is to take your body weight, divide by 2 and this is how many ounces you should drink throughout the day.  It is also best to “wake up” your metabolism first thing in the morning with a glass.  So for a 150lb woman that would equate to 75 ounces.  If you do intense exercise add 8 ounces for every hour you exercise to compensate for sweat. facts_chart

Changing the way that you eat and keeping yourself fueled like this will not only help you to lose weight, but also to feel more satisfied all day long—and that’s what it means to manage your portions, eat better foods, and to get healthier through all of this in the meantime!

If this makes a lot of sense to you and you want to give portion control eating a try, I have just the group for you! We start in just a few weeks, so let me know if you are interested by filling out the application for my Portion Control Challenge HERE


Ready to go EXTREME with your Fitness?

What can you accomplish in just 21 Days?  Could you dedicate and commit to an easy to follow nutrition plan?  Could you commit to intense 30 minute workouts?  Could you commit to changing your body? Can you commit to changing your life?71e379fc-8061-4962-9dc4-2dd6c3769f05

If you have a short amount of time and need to see some serious results 21 Day Fix Extreme is the program for you.  This is not a starter program, not for the faint of heart or those new to fitness.  This is for people who are already on their fitness and health journey and are ready to take it to the next level to get seriously shredded!  This breakthrough 21day fitness and nutrition program combines simple portion control, clean eating, and extreme 30-minute workouts to deliver a body that is hard, lean, and defined.1e1025ed-16eb-4f39-9370-3f912e6dd0c1

For your nutrition, you’ll not only be practicing portion control—you’ll be eating ONLY clean foods. No treats. No cheats. No excuses. Plus, you’ll get Autumn’s all-new 21 Day Fix EXTREME recipes to help you achieve your very best results.  Plus you will also get  the Countdown to Competition: Autumn’s own competition nutrition plan for getting stage-ready and ripped in 21 days.


Aside from amazing results driving workouts and easy to follow nutrition plan you will also get a chance to participate in a private accountability group.  This is where the magic happens.  As your coach I will give you daily motivation and accountability to keep you on track and sticking with the program so you can get the best results possible.

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To join my next accountability group and get more informationfor 21 Day Fix Extreme apply HERE today!


Insanity vs Insanity Max :30

When I first decided I would give Insanity Max :30 a try I felt my palms get a little sweaty. To understand why we need to go back 6 months to my adventure with the original Insanity program.

In June 2014 I decided I was ready to take on Shaun T’s Insanity program. I had completed P90X3, Body Beast, Turbo Fire and Focus T25. I was physically in the best condition of my life. I had lost 112lbs and went from a size 18/20 to size 4. I started with a bang in week 1, I lost 3lbs! BOOM this was going to be awesome! Or so I thought…. The workouts were definitely intense, long and pushed my body to Insanity. I have long battled poor knees due to years of obesity and prior injuries, but I was modifying jumps as needed to lessen the impact. In my effort to save my knees I let my form get sloppy and into he midst of week 4 (halfway finished) I blew out my back and pulled a hamstring. BOO!
Thus ending my attempt at Insanity. So now you understand my sweaty palms and fear when Insanity Max :30 was announced.

I honestly thought “No way, not for me” and I totally wrote it off as beyond my abilities. Then as more started coming in about the program I started to get more and more curious. Things like “On screen low impact modifier,” “go to YOUR max”, “no matter where you start you can improve”, “only 30 minutes.”

Then the test group results started rolling in and I was sold! My fellow coaches were getting mind blowing results in just the first 30 days by following the modifier and they were starting at a variety of fitness levels. Some even admitted to only following the nutrition plan 80% of the time! What!?! I can totally do this!


Last week our workout arrived and to say the least “I am in LOVE!” After doing 3 of the month 1 workouts I am so pumped I didn’t let my hesitation and initial fear stop me. The moves are fun and challenging and the 30 minutes blow by so quickly. I am a huge fan of the on screen modifier too. When you start your workout you can select to view the low impact (not low intensity) modifier at all times. If you have ever done a workout with modifier you know that until you have etched a few times you can get lost if the camera isn’t on them.

Is it easy? Heck NO! But don’t let the fear of getting sweaty and Maxing out at 4:00min, 6:00min, or 15:00min stop you! You will max out or reach the point where your form is going to be compromised. You take a break, shake it off, write down your time, and get back into the workout. That Max Out time will improve! You will see results in your first week and you will be hooked like me. Admit it results are addicting!

If you want to start with me after the New Year in my 60 day test group I promise you will find a new healthier version of yourself. If you don’t you can use the no hassle money back guarantee.

Learn More!


My Journey

I Maxed Out!

Yay!! It showed up and we couldn’t wait. My hubby and I popped in the Cardio Challenge today.  It is essentially the fitness challenge or fitness test to check out your starting point and track your progress. 


Max out times
Desten 8:54
Cassie 20:17


Verdict: this is going to get me to goal quicker than I thought! It was fun and fast!  I really love how the sequences are set up.  I also really appreciated the on screen modifier view.  I have some bad knees and the lower impact (not lower intesnity) options was a must. It was awesome!!  I have honestly never sweat so much in just 30 minutes!  From the start to when my heart rate got back down to in resting range I had burned through 495 calories.  Crazy right?! 

I think the part that impressed me the most was the nutrition plan that comes with it.  It is awesome and gives you great guides for eating in Fast Food chains, on the go, and has an easy to follow plan.  I am LOVING Insanity Max :30.  Today’s test was brutal but I am super excited to push forward with my accountability group.

Still time to snag a spot in our accountability group starting Jan 5th